
Scabies Memo to Providers Facilities Final2

Bicillin Shortage: Recommended Actions BicillinLetter_DSTDP 052016final (002)

Here's the All New Web Calendar for EAHEC Continuing Medical Education:

Check it out!

North Carolina Psychiatric Association has posted this position statement on HB2: LINK HERE


FLU decreases in NC: info Influenza Surv Summary Wk12 2015-16

ZIKA update:  Please click HERE

MUMPS  in NC: 3/7/16 update


A Statement from Pitt County Medical Society on the death of Dave Mirra

Zika Guidelines for Providers

Give Kids a Smile Day 2016

Acute Flaccid Myelitis Provider Guidance 10226015




Is your practice or office ready to retard the spread of infecitous diseases?  Here are guidelines from the CDC for SARS preparation, a good beginning!




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